how to make your Facebook private? a best and easy way
So if you're not sure who is reading your Posts. Go to your Facebook up now that you've done.
that the next thing to do is to click on your Facebook settings.
Neither your in your Facebook settings you're going to want to scroll right down to the very bottom until you see something that says wait for it wait for it wait for it account settings go into this setting
from your account settings click on privacy. Now we are at the place where you can see who can read your posts you can change it from a public to private to friends so if you want your Facebook life
to be a bit more private in the sentence you would change the public or friends or just me whatever you want.
so that means that you can feel secure with posting whatever you want to your selected friends not everyone likes getting firm requests from random people or even Facebook messages from random people so you will want to change your profile from public to private.
So this privacy setting on your Facebook but you do get to just a bit.
So play around with it and there's a little a description at the top of every single setting so it tells you what
you're turning off what's your turn in public with your turn into private. so on and so
on you just wanted to throw this article. out There. so that you guys can see how easy it is to actually shut
down your Facebook. so that it's just for you and your friends solely to see all the information.