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How to link your instagram hashtag or friends from your pinterest account

Instagram hashtag to your pinterest account

Today in this article,  I want to show you how to link your instagram hashtag or friends from your pinterest account.
To your Pinterest account. So you can utilize, All of those really cool 'Content' that you do on Instagram.

So  using with 'phone' or' laptop', go to Instagram  profile.

 I want to find a #hashtag that my favorite that I posted and right here when I click on.

How to link your instagram hashtag to your pinterest account

How to link your instagram hashtag or friends from your pinterest account

Instagram hashtag to your pinterest account

That picture is a is a link. So what you want to do is copy this url page.  and then I want to go over here to Pinterest and I want to upload an photo right here in the destination.

How to link your instagram hashtag or friends from your pinterest account

Instagram hashtag to your pinterest account

I'm going to hit paste and that is my Instagram account. Now I need to go back
over here to find that #hashtag. 
How to link your instagram hashtag or friends from your pinterest account

Instagram hashtag to your pinterest account

My  laptop and then we're gonna go to Pinterest we're gonna upload the photo here and now we're going to save that #hashtag and Get more flower on instagram.
 now we're gonna put that in my Instagram board that my favorite  insta and now.

How to link instagram hashtag or friends from your pinterest account

How to link your instagram hashtag or friends from your pinterest account

Instagram hashtag to your pinterest account

We're gonna click on that so great #hashtag I just put on Get more flower on instagram. well when
they click on it guess where it's taking them straight to my Instagram account and now I've increased traffic to my Instagram.Whatever, you know, whatever it takes because we all want to be famous on the Internet.

So that's it for our Article on.How to link your instagram hashtag or friends from your pinterest account.

I hope you get something from this is article.


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