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Tips and tricks how to upload photo to Instagram on your laptop '2019technicalstm'

Tips and tricks how to upload photo to Instagram on your laptop (2019technicalstm)

Tips and tricks how to upload photo to Instagram on your laptop '2019technicalstm'

Here is a Best tips and tricks  for my personal experienc by Using with Laptop or PC Windows.

I'll show you Tips and tricks how to upload photo to instagram on your laptop. it's very easy don't think too much just try. if you try you can do everything. onlinetechnicalstm you don't have to worry about your cell phone all the time it can

actually make things, a lot quicker and easier this way it's actually I was very excited when I first found out about this a while back and it really makes my workflow ten times easier.

let's get started

First do is open Instagram profile or home page. Simple to do that it's just the same as logging on your mobile device. So then what we're gonna do is right click on this screen make sure
you're in (Comodo dragon) or you can use any other browser.

Tips and tricks how to upload photo to Instagram on your laptop (2019technicalstm)

Tips and tricks how to upload photo to Instagram on your laptop '2019technicalstm'

 Very easy just I click on instagram. So what you want to do is go down to and find inspect after that you just click inspect and then it's going to pull up this kind of funky looking dialog box over here and this dialog box is used for like coders and people to make websites and stuff. so they can really get in and test their apps so what we're gonna do all that we really care about right now is this toggle toolbar.
Tips and tricks how to upload photo to Instagram on your laptop '2019technicalstm'

 Make sure that we are toggled to a phone and one good way to tell that you are where you need to be is this little dot shows up. so it kind of represents the touch as if you were sliding up through on your cell phone or something like that now  what we want to do is go up to your main bar and I just like to refresh the page because when you refresh it it basically loads it as a mobile app. So that gives you the ability to go to your home screen to search to upload and all that stuff . so that's literally what we're gonna do we're just gonna click the little plus sign. to add a new photo I have my photo here on my PC. 

Tips and tricks how to upload photo to Instagram on your laptop '2019technicalstm'

so we're just gonna click open now it's gonna walk to the same processes that you would go through on your mobile device. so you can actually resize the image or you can crop it in wherever you like for this image I'm just going to crop your just hit next and then you just go about writing your caption.  

like example
 Nature images

Tips and tricks how to upload photo to Instagram on your laptop '2019technicalstm'

 Tips and tricks how to upload photo to Instagram on your laptop (2019technicalstm)
So guys this is very easy, let's just go ahead and hit share and then it's gonna go ahead and share the image and then you can verify that by your photo was posted. now it's on Instagram you can check that on your cell phone or any other devices.(All this picture are my screenshot photo)

Best Instagram well that is a summary of exactly Tips and tricks how you can upload photo to instagram on your laptop'2019technicalstm'


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