Screenshot-Google Chrome a Whole Page Nagemese
Learn aji kena ka screenshot
koribo Google Chrome extensions both dha ka? Aro nadha ka
Beshi susda ase aro safe aro sab mano jana dha kebo 'Kena
ka screenshot kori bo' Google chrome trying to grab the entire web page
that extends beyond a single window of your browser is a bit more complicated.
If you have to take a full page screen capture, here are some ways you can do
so in Google Chrome, both dha ka! Aro nadha ka
Screenshot-Google Chrome a whole
page Nagemese
Chrome In those cases where a web page comes pretty close
to fitting within your browser window, only requiring the tiniest bit of
scrolling to see the rest, you can just zoom out a bit and take a normal
Zoom out. Press Ctrl+Minus to zoom out one increment at a time until the
layout is to your liking. You can also select the three vertical dots, then select the Minus (-) to zoom out as many times as needed for the window
to display the whole page.
Next, enter fullscreen mode. Either press F11 or select the three vertical dots, then select the Fullscreen icon to the right of the zoom
in/out controls.
Finally, take a screenshot using whatever
screenshot utility or method you generally use.
Tips take a Chrome
Screenshot By Saving as a PDF
You can also print the screen and save it as a PDF
then either keep in its native PDF format or convert to an image
format. Within Google Chrome's print controls, select More Settings to further adjust the PDF to
your liking. You can change the paper size, margins, and scale.
Screenshot-Google Chrome a Whole Page Nagemese
Chrome screenshot while these extension-less methods can
be handy enough if you only want to occasionally capture basic web pages every
once in a while, it's likely not going to be enough if you need to do so
frequently, especially if they're large or unwieldy pages.
If the latter is more often the case, you will probably
want to enlist the aid of a dedicated screenshot extension, like Full Page
Screen Capture.
Navigate to the Chrome web store in your
Enter full page
screenshot into the search box and either select the corresponding
suggested search term or press Enter.
Select Add
to Chrome next to the Full Page Screen Capture extension.
With the page open in the current tab, select
the Full Page Screen Capture extension
icon in the top-right of your browser.
Wait for the screenshot to finish
On the new tab the extension automatically
opens, select the download image icon
and you'll download the new image.
If you're asked to let the extension have access to your
device’s file system, select Allow.
Screenshot-Google Chrome a Whole Page Nagemese